"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye."

March 16, 2010

Time is flying!

We have our 20 week sono/appt scheduled already...3 1/2 weeks we will hopefully get our sex confirmation! We have been working hard on the nursery getting it ready for the bambino...thank you to both our parents who have been super helpful in sanding, painting, cleaning etc!

March 4, 2010


How did I end up in this guy's bed??? Signed -The Baby

March 3, 2010

My hump, My hump, My lovely baby hump... Check it out!

"Zoe the Dog"

Unfortunately, Zoe will have to step down as 'princess' of the house!

March 1, 2010

Sono 2/19/10

3D image of our baby. They say they are pretty confident it is a girl although it is still early. We will be verifying this at our 20 wk sono. So for now we are pretending it's a little girl! Hopefully she grows into her lumps!

13 weeks

Her sweet little arms and hands!

Our Little Acrobat

We have had 2 sonograms now and our sonographer told us we have one of the most active babies she has ever seen! UH Oh! Luke says she gets it from me! She also has a very strong and normal heartbeat.